Mission Statement
The goal of the BTIT Sunday Islamic School is to provide opportunities for each and every child, their parents and their teachers in a continual process of Islamic education. We aim to achieve this by providing authentic knowledge of Islam, with a strong emphasis on Islamic manners and etiquette which are taught formally and encouraged throughout the whole school.
We request parents to join us in this mission by maintaining consistency in this etiquette at home.
Teachers are considered as role models and pillars of society. All our members of staff are requested to be mindful of their actions at all times particularly when interacting with students and their parents.
Our mission can only be achieved by parents, children and teachers working together to guide and nurture our younger generation to build strong foundations which will enable them to lead their lives as God-fearing, caring citizens with the best of character.
‘The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it’
Hadeeth of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
‘To teach someone one thing about Islam, is better than the world and what it contains’
‘The best thing a parent can give his/her child is good manners & good upbringing’
History and Achievements of BTIT
BTIT runs its flagship project, the BTIT Sunday Islamic School from the City Academy Bristol’s premises in the heart of inner-city Bristol.
From very simple beginnings in 1982 BTIT’s flagship project, BTIT Sunday Islamic School has expanded with great support and acceptance from the local community. The school is currently composed of 23 classes, which range from reception through to Year 10. With over 600 pupils whose ages’ range from 4 to 15 and approximately 80 volunteers, BTIT has grown from very humble beginnings. It is through the commitment, dedication and thorough professionalism of the BTIT staff and volunteers that the school has gained a positive reputation in the community. BTIT Sunday Islamic School promotes diversity and inclusion which is well reflected in both of its staff and pupils.
2007 was a momentous year for BTIT, not only was the school in its’ 25th year since its inception but it was also privileged to be awarded the Queen’s Award for volunteer services. BTIT has continued to provide well-balanced History & Identity lessons, sports education and services for parents with an Islamic perspective.
The Queen’s Award for Volunteer Services
The City Academy Bristol and Bristol Taleem ul-Islam Trust (BTIT) have been in partnership BTIT was awarded the Queens Award for volunteer services 2007 in the South West. Her Majesty The Queen announced on 30th April 2002 the creation of a new, annual Award to mark the occasion of her Golden Jubilee. The Award recognizes the vital role played by the hundreds of thousands of ‘unsung heroes’ of the voluntary and community world and emphasizes the importance of continuing recognition of their work.
The Award covers groups operating in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. The number of awards made each year will be determined by the number and quality of nominations received. Awards are made to groups rather than to individuals. A crystal plaque is presented to the winners as well as a certificate. Representatives on behalf of teachers, administration, Trustees and Sports from within BTIT attended the formal presentation at St James Palace. The Lord-Lieutenant from Bristol then presented the Crystal plaque to the school on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II.